BTP2 - control - Automatic biogas test plant

BTP2 - control - Automatic biogas test plant

The BTP2 control biogas test system / anaerobic digester is equipped with gas analyzer (CH4; CO2; H2S; O2 and optional H2) in addition to the extensive basic measurement technology of the BTP2 (pH; gas volume; temperature and optional redox potential). This integrated gas analyzer is used automatically for several reactors one after the other. For the analysis, the gas is collected in gas bags and the gas analysis is carried out automatically for the individual reactors when a sufficient quantity of gas has been collected.

Even the smallest gas volume flow can be reliably recorded and analyzed. This system can be combined with the AS2 pump modules and autosampler from UIT, it is characterized by a high degree of equipment and automation. The BTP2 control biogas test plant is used in particular in the scientific field but also for substrate and gas yield tests in other fields of application.

This system is perfect for product development (enzymes, nutrients) and process optimization.

For additional information and prices, please call +49 351 886 4600 or use our E-Mail:

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Product characteristic

  • Bioreactors, volume 15 liters, different volumes on request
  • Continues operation with AUTO feeding (Optional)
  • Electric heating with control
  • Dosage pumps for pH-value control (Optional)
  • Powerful agitators with two stirrers
  • Gas meter to measure gas quantity
  • Gas Quality Measurement (CH4, CO2, H2S, O2)
  • Central data acquisition
  • Bio reactor with various installation ports
  • Silicon – heater band
  • Feeding system
  • Stirrer including speed adjustment and display of torque
  • Gas tight shaft feed
  • Gas bag for gas sampling
  • Assembly frame
  • Measuring equipment (pH-Value / Redox-Potential (Optional) / temperature)
  • T-Controller device
  • Temperature measuring equipment
  • Redox measuring equipment
  • Recording of gas quantities through gas meters
  • Automatic gas analysis system
  • Software package Biogas-control

Area of application

  • Research
  • Fermentation yield test
  • Optimization of gas outout


  • On-line measuring equipment
  • System expandable up to 10 reactor units
  • Integrated gas analysis
  • Data storage and visualization
  • Simultaneous recording of gas quality and quantity
  • Central data acquisition and control unit
  • Customized equipping and automation-degree
  • Compact, space-saving rack systems

Technical Data

 Bioreactor with Measuring Technique and Stirrer
 Measuring Equipment for Bioreactor
 Stirrer / Stirrer features
 Gas Counter / Gas Bag
 Gas Quality Measurement System
 Software Features
 Space Requirements
DimensionsVol. approx. 15 liter; outer diameter: 270 mm, wall thickness: 9 mm, height: 350 mm; differnt volumes on request
Material / ConfigurationFor measuring equipment
Max. allowed Temperature60°C
FeedingFeeding funnel (stainless steel) including dipped duct and sealing plug
Shaft feed throughVariant 1: dipped duct
 Variant 2: surge tank
HeatingSilicon-heater band incl. temperature sensor,
Height of heater band: 200 mm; max. input power for heating: 500 W
Adjustment  of heating system through T-control unit
pH-valueMeasuring range: 1-14; Length: 220 mm, PG 13.5 screw-in thread
Redox potential (ORP)Option: Measuring range: - 2000...+2000 mV; length: 220 mm,
PG 13.5 screw-in thread
TemperatureMeasuring range: 0...60°C, resolution: 0.1 °C, sensor screwed-in
Speed range10 – 500 rpm
TorqueMax. 600 Ncm
DisplaySpeed  and torque
Stirrer tools2 levels with propeller shaped stirrers and anchor shaped stirrers
Measuring range1…60 l/h; resolution: 2,5 ml
Gas BagVolume 10 liter as sample for gas quality measurement
CH4 Range: 0...100 Vol. %; measuring principle: IR
CO2Range: 0...100 Vol. %; measuring principle: IR
H2SRange: 0...5000 ppm; principle: electro-chemical  - one range
O2Range: 0...25 Vol. %; principle: electro-chemical  measuring cell
FeaturesGas cooler
Storage and Display UnitpH-value, temperature and gas amount – incl. graphical and tabular display of actual values
Control ValuesAsynchronous timing of the agitator
Option: pH control using of several  2-channel peristaltic pumps
ModulesWidth: 50 cm; Depth: 65 cm; Height: 240 cm – for each module
Zcentered Gas Quality Measurement Modul with PCWidth: 115 cm; Depth: 65 cm; Height: 240 cm

Illustrations and descriptions may vary. The plant / product is subject to change depending on technical updates.

We will gladly give you an individual offer.

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